The Shaws

  • Looking Through Time

    Looking Through Time

    A Little Background     I thought a reader’s response to this story would be befitting instead of my lead in. Plus, I’ll end up doing a longer blog about this.      Wow! I’m still processing this because I didn’t expect it to be so powerful, so evocative. This took me to a different place than I…

  • A Nymph In The Shaws

    A Nymph In The Shaws

    A Little Background     This story came to light as a challenge from an author friend. I’d put something on his plate and he mine.      Being engrossed in a series about nature as well as being a person who appreciates the blues of oceans, the clear waters of mountain streams, and the kaleidoscope of…

  • Dewaria Ablaze

    Dewaria Ablaze

    A Little Background     Dewaria is introduced in the first book of my series. I should say that a Dewarian is introduced. In the second book, readers walk abvoe and below Dewaria, but it is known only by its common name, The Burnt Lands. The allure, that I so enjoy as a writer, is the…

  • The Early Days

    The Early Days

    A Little Background     Annie was an unintentional success. Readers adore her, and likely it’s due primarily because she gets under Brim’s skin at every turn.​​​​​     By the time readers are introduced to her, they have been master and apprentice for decades. There is a natural wonder as to what the early…

  • Fields of Home

    Fields of Home

    A Little Background A few steps and a few crosswalks from my office is a quaint coffee shop. It reminds me of something that could be in the ​​Gilmore Girls.      One day, with Fall in the air and on the leaves of the few trees growing from within the concrete jungle, I found…